Tuesday, July 6, 2010

cupcakes and combobulating

Well in an effort to try to support local, independent business, I did get a cupcake from the new cupcake place. I really hope the rest of her cafe/deli brings in a lot of business b/c I wasn't all that impressed and for $1.79 per cupcake, well I'd hope they'd be some serious cupcakes! Instead it was about the size of the palm of my hand!! C'mon, really? My hands aren't that big so you know that is a pretty bad deal!
In the Milwaukee airport after you pass the security screening, there is a "Recombobulation" Area.
I'm serious, this is really what it's called. Makes sense, right, after getting all your things in a disarray and un-shoeing, etc. you may very well be discombobulated and thus need to
re-combobulate. Except I'm pretty sure recombobulate is not an actual word, at least not per the
Merriam Webster collegiate dictionary, both 11th edition and online. B/c well, combobulate is not a verb? Or is it? If anyone wants to shed light here, please feel free. I'm not trying to question the
grammatical sense of the T S A or anything, I swear.


  1. Urban dictionary has a few definitions:

  2. Hah! The person with def. #2 must have also been at the Milwaukee airport!
    I have found some information on the origin of
    discombobulate but "combobulate" itself is not a word, as far as I can tell.
