Thursday, June 27, 2013

summer lovin'

Time to announce the new foods at the upcoming state fair:

To be fair, I was a little disappointed, I thought that there was going to be some sort of
monster shrimp corndog brownie (On a stick).  These are apparently all separate, distinct

This does sound pretty sweet:
Soft Salted Chocolate-Dipped Almond Pretzel On-a-Stick: It’s a soft pretzel dipped in chocolate almond bark and sprinkled with slivered almonds and a dash of salt,

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pittsburgh pride maybe?

For a while I kept seeing a car with a Steeler's plate frame parked in our apartment parking lot so I knew there must be a Pittsburgher among us ;)
But I never saw the person/driver associated with this car, so I could never comment on it.  And in
a recent situation in which I did comment about someone's Steeler's apparel (actually a little kid), it turned out rather awkwardly that they actually had no Pittsburgh connection at all.  But I digress...
Earlier I saw a woman in the lot wearing BOTH a Steeler's shirt and a Pirate's cap, and so yes, I knew they must of course be from Pittsburgh.  So I did say something and the person seemed a little startled, even after I mentioned that I used to live there.  Oh well, who knows what's up with people.  It turns out she is the mother of one of my neighbors.  But I don't really know any of the neighbors too well.

little birds...

Yesterday was member appreciation day at the local co-op.  One of the local to the area farmers
brings in his baby chicks and ducks, so you can talk with him (he's a really interesting and kind person) and hold adorable little baby chicks and ducks.  I think he does it primarily for the kids who find it a mix of fascinating, although some seem a little thrown by the idea.  But once they seem to confirm with both their parent and Mr. Olsen (the farmer) that it really, truly is okay for them to hold and pet the little birds, they seem happy with it. 
Also there are always good free samples in the store, although this time there weren't any
ice cream ones from the dairy farm. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Garden of eatin'

Well, the garden is being eaten, by bugs.  At least the tomato plants are being noshed on.
So moral of the story? 
Even with the bunny proof fence, there are still enemies!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Funny things...

Cute: Woman checker at the co-op with little baby sleeping contentedly in
a baby wrap/sling while she rang up customers
Baby seemed oblivious to everything going on

People often compliment our reusable grocery bag! 

Funny: talking with the cashier at the hardware store about the Minnesota State fair...

Friday, June 7, 2013

something I honestly overheard

In the waiting room at the doctor's office... the receptionist takes a phone call from someone
calling from a beauty shop, saying that a woman who is a patient of one of the doctors has
swallowed her hearing aid. 
I can't make sense of this but this is what I overheard.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

tornado warnings...

Just read this update:
They used to only use the warning sirens when tornadoes were spotted.  Now they use them for tornado warnings, winds equal to or exceeding 70 mph, and/or hail equal to or exceeding 1.75 inches in diameter!