Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy times...

I stopped at Target and the older man who was the cashier was downright jolly!
I never thought I would use those two words (cashier and jolly) in the same sentence.
He really was upbeat.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

when is spring

cold... when you have to chip off ice from the INSIDE of your car windshield...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

freezing mist turns to freezing rain

Well, that is fun. Now the odd freezing mist turned to freezing rain and FROZEN sheets on the sidewalks and parking lots. Goody!

Here are some odd things I observed:
Today on the bus, a guy boarded the bus wearing SANDALS (I'm not even kidding)
Did he not see the above memo? It's cold (though slightly warmer than previous days) and the ground is a mess of ice, slush, and snowy-slush puddles.
Weird. Another young man got on the bus with no coat, nor gloves or hat. Apparently these people are under the delusion that they are not in the Midwest in the middle of winter???

Also this has nothing to do with it, but note to girl sitting next to me, listening to her i-pod:
If your music is loud enough such that I can distinctly make out what song you're listening to ("Rebel Rebel"), I think you MAY be listening too loudly.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the mists of Ames

There is something called "freezing mist". Or at least I think that is what it is. If not, it should be called this. Right now it is very foggy and gray and the snow has frozen to all the trees. It is pretty unique looking. The foggy and gray tone has almost this otherworld-ly aura to it. It's interesting to see this icy/snow frozen to tree branches. But, I like having sunlight so this is also pretty dreary looking. Let's hope it passes soon.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


It's been an absolutely lovely and refreshing 34 degrees outside the last two days, along with being sunny. It's been so long since I've felt warm, it really is a nice change of pace. So yay for that global warming crap... just kidding... maybe it is just the "normal" temperature and we were dipping pretty low below normal for the last week or so.
So big old YAY for normal, humane temps again!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Strange murals, Part I

I find this mural quite strange. It's on the side of a building in downtown Ames:
What does it mean? Why do the shrubs have faces? Very odd...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New year and new definitions

I've now come up with the phrase (or maybe it wasn't me); Iowa cold.
As compared to "just" cold.

Tonight the low is predicted to be: -17 degrees.

Happy 2010 all...