Sunday, December 29, 2013

suggestion or else the least subtle hint-dropping parent...

An oddly specific fortune reveals one parent's desire...

"You could make a name for yourself in the field of medicine."

from a recent Chinese food dinner (fortune cookie's prediction or ...wishful thinking?)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

special prize...

There should be a special category of creative misspellings, solely reserved for
incorrect words used on signs/sign boards for houses of worship.
Unfortunately I don't have photographic evidence of this but there was a sign
outside a local church advertising the upcoming sermon about our "savivor"
Oddly (and amusingly) enough, on the OPPOSITE side, the word was spelled correctly?
So, either two different people assembled the sign or one person who had selective spelling

How odd!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

corn country

Seen on the gas pump:  an advertisement for a dating service for farmers...

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I wish there was a drive-thru bagel shop.
For those days when it's 13 deg. out and you don't want to get
out of your car again but you want a bagel.