Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the mailbox mambo...

Today as I was biking through campus, I saw a postal worker (I assume) removing a mailbox--
I think he was an official postal worker due to the truck and not just some rogue mail thief!
I guess there were actually 2 mailboxes in front of this bldg- although now I can't remember if there were one or two, and maybe they put a new one in and were removing the "old" one?
But the postal worker was awkwardly wrenching and twisting the mail box back and forth, in this awkward sort of thrust, trying to get it out of the concrete. Weird. I slowed down briefly to check it out. I wonder why they were taking the mail box out? Finding mailboxes on campus is surprisingly hard.

Monday, May 23, 2011

industrious squirrel?

We bought one of those bell-shaped bird feeders to hang on a hook/pole outside & try to attract some new birds. Today a very acrobatic squirrel was dangling practically upside down, trying to eat all the seed from the feeder! He seemed very determined, almost hanging on by his tail at one point, and was really into eating there.
Later a chipmunk came along to eat the bird food too!
Guess they did not see the sign that said it was BIRD food...Hah.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Suddenly summer...

Wow, 72 deg. out today!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Yay sun. It is sunny again.
There is a cardinal in the yard. And some grackles.