Friday, August 26, 2011


yesterday I saw a bumper sticker on a car which said:

"Guns have only 2 enemies: rust and politicians"

I really ought to start a list of "clever" sayings like that. You never know when I'll be at a loss for words and can slip this gem in to fill a conversational lull.

Also, I absolutely "love" and by love I actually mean really really dislike, when people vastly oversimplify things. But I suppose that is the limitation of trying to fit ones ideology on a
bumper sticker? Maybe. I'm not sure I buy it. It's not exactly the most profound or insightful way even of showing your support for gun rights. I mean since when do guns or other inanimate objects have "enemies".

Thursday, August 25, 2011

requirements for living in yuptown...

1.Hummer-- check
2. yippee dog-- check
3. cell phone-- check
4. talking on cell phone while walking yippee dog--check check

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

other oddities...

if you go into a liquor store with someone else and that person is purchasing liquor, they will also card you*
This is some specifically Minnesotan thing, apparently. In addition to the funky restrictions of where and when, we went in to buy a bottle of wine & were both carded? For real? Yes. I thought the guy working there was joking but nope, he was dead serious. I wonder what the rationale is.
Is this supposed to prevent someone from purchasing something for someone under-age? How?
Couldn't that person just be waiting outside? Weirdos...

*they didn't seem to care when it was beer being purchased, or maybe the guys working there were too caught up in watching baseball.

On an exciting note, only a few more days til the Minnesota State Fair...will it astound & amaze and entertain as much as the Iowa State Fair? The Iowa State Fair, to be fair, did have deep fried butter, Janet Jackson (her career post-wardrobe malfunction days), Reba Mcentire and an assortment of cranky GOP hopefuls...

Monday, August 22, 2011

things i overhear

in entrance to Trader Joe's...
"Is this some sort of upscale grocery store?"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

just like PA

no tax on clothing
and you cannot buy alcohol at the grocery store

Friday, August 5, 2011


thus far...
Corn and Target
so far St. Paul is seeming an awful lot like Ames!

Haha...that is just woodbury though, home of yupscale living.