Saturday, December 11, 2010


first snow for the year

Monday, December 6, 2010

License plates...

One thing that is kind of unique is the sheer number of personalized/vanity plates you see here. It seems to be in much higher proportion than other places. *
The vast majority of the plates are the special Iowa State ones with many variations of
ISU love/support and reflections on the mascot, Cy-bird.
Often when I'm out or walking through the parking lot, I take note of how many vanity plates I see; and how high that proportion is to non-vanity plates. Also I like to see what things people come up with and what this might say about the particular person who requested such a plate.

Yesterday I saw the following:

* I haven't done any actual analysis of the comparison of these proportions.

Friday, December 3, 2010


On the back of a truck: decal/sticker
nativity scene with camel, wise men, etc.
Calvin urinating

how to interpret this???