Thursday, April 29, 2010

more mascot advertising

What is it with people waving signs and/or dressed as mascots/logos advertising for places? Is this common everywhere?
Yesterday there was a bear holding a sign for the Village Inn, advertising their *free pie Wednesday promotion.

it isn't actually free, it's free with any purchase...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

anger management

I forgot to say that a few weeks ago I witnessed a man v. shopping cart in the Hy-vee parking lot.
The man was right by his parked car, which was not parked that far from the store. Instead of walking either back to the area in the store entrance or maybe 15 feet away to one of those cart collection areas, he was frantically attempting to ram the cart on the small grass island thing next to his parking spot. It's one of those moments that you think, is it really worth getting this upset over and how much extra energy and time would it take for you just to PUSH the cart over to where the rest of the carts are? Seriously. It takes more energy to try to shove the cart over concrete/onto grass/gravel and wedge it there. This guy looked pretty aggravated. Maybe he had to get home to watch Nascar. Who knows.
Then after that was the guy RUNNING from the parking lot to Jo-ann's, the fabric store, at 10 til 9. Glue gun emergency! The funny thing is it wasn't about to close. I checked the hours. Maybe he was desperately in need of a new sewing pattern.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

bike pics

up from Madrid, IA to Huxley, IA:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

House of Crap, ii

It's hard to really describe what I call, the Crap House. Mainly it's the front of the house which is a bit run-down and the collection of junk the owner stores in front of it. I pass by it often enough- since I have noticed it, the owner keeps: two very beat up looking trucks, and then on his lawn, an assortment of odds and ends. Of particular note, the cab top of a truck holds center court on the lawn. Under it, a pair of boots ( I think), one of those gallon plastic jugs you'd buy of spring water, and some assorted other items. His front door has some random newspaper cutouts on various parts. It isn't the worst house on the block (or the best). I'm pretty sure I have run into the owner on at least two different occasions (and now a third). If there was a way I could discreetly take a picture of his house I would try.
The first time I was in front of his house and he was riding his bike and when he noticed me, he said, I'm just riding to my house because I live there. Or something to that effect.
The other time he was also on his bike but a few blocks away, in which he told me it was a beautiful day not to get run over.

When we saw the crap house guy again, we were actually across the street from his house, admiring some birds. He was at the curb, by a vehicle, talking to someone. For some reason he saw us across the street and called over, (No joke), that he was getting ready for Britney Spears. That did seem like a non-sequitur. Then he elaborated by saying he was fixing up his house so it had greater curb appeal. I'm not sure how this related to Britney Spears, other than maybe she will be in Iowa and will want to stop by his house? Sometimes it's best not to question these things.

Odd things always seem to happen though, don't they?