Thursday, July 1, 2010

bats candy

The other night on our walk downtown, saw what appears to be a baby bat on the ground.

I tried to take a picture but it didn't come out very well.

In the apartment complex two over from ours, which faces the actual street, in their parking lot, there are some guys who just hang out in their car a lot. The other night one was actually sitting in the car window, like on the ledge of it, like something out of Dukes of Hazard. Meanwhile...

There is a new "upscale" cupcake place opening in downtown... let's see how long it lasts. Somehow I'm not seeing skeleton-like Main Street with it's odd combination of pawn shops, the VFW, karate studio, bars, and tax prep place, as the best place for $2.00 cupcakes. But we'll see. Downtown is strange. It has, I think, 4 jewelry stores, which seems a lot for such a small place, several places to get a hair cut, and I think 2 or 3 shoe stores.

Sorry this is sort of random. Oh but the proprietor of the new cupcake place is a girl who has not ever run a business or done commercial baking. She does have a degree in welding though. We'll see.

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