Thursday, March 11, 2010


Maybe it's the country air or who knows what, but today a woman at the bus stop asked me if I was going to Ames High School. Um, what??!?? I had no idea I could still pass for 18 years old.
She seemed very surprised to find out I was headed to the university and was in fact, almost 35 years old. Who knows...maybe it's the hat, maybe it's the country air we've been breathing.

Also there are a lot of advertisements with people holding signs here. It's strange. Downtown there is a guy who advertises for an insurance company wearing a statue of Liberty costume- trust me, he looks like he pretty much hates his life. Oh right, it's for Liberty Mutual. Well sorry to rip on them but their advertising strategy is pretty bad, that guy looks like he wants to punch things. Granted a lot of the time he's been out there with his sign it's like 20 degrees out and stuff...Not really ideal conditions. Also there was a young guy advertising for little caeser's pizza...who knew they even still existed...

Okay I swear there was a point to all this. Um it's sort of spring here... not really but snow has actually melted and you can see grass again. You can now also see all the spots/layers where my lame neighbors let their dogs go and didn't pick up after them! Yay, good times...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I stand corrected- the Liberty guy is actually advertising for a tax service. I don't think it's a national chain.
    I think he is still pretty disenchanted though. I picture him getting off of his "shift" and sitting at one of the dark bars with no windows on Main St, pouring out his sorrows...
