Saw a guy wearing this hat today, most interestingly, inside, the coffee shop. Complete with foot long "tail". Bizarre. I think this is the same Nugent 2012 guy. This must be his winter apparel.
Also, people don't like carrots. At the coffee place when you order a sandwich, you can get chips or carrots. Why do people order carrots if they're not really going to eat them? Does it make them feel more virtuous somehow? Like Oh, I've made the right choice. But then they don't eat them. I made this observation as I passed the used dish bin on my way out and noticed several sandwich plates, sandwiches eaten but lots of uneaten baby carrots. Maybe the idea of eating those poor baby carrots was too horrifying. Well, may as well just get chips then, instead of ordering carrots and not eating them. Who knows though. Maybe this was some sort of organized demonstration.
Two other odd things... as I walked by the Jimmy Johns, couldn't help but overhear someone giving a real dressing down to another person. The woman doing the scolding kept saying something about her f'ing employees and that wasn't how she treated her f'ing employees. Don't know what that was all about, but apparently working or dining at JJ's is a high-stress event.
Also I noticed that the coffee place was very busy today and there were a bunch of middle aged ladies hanging out there, I later observed many of them boarding one of those charter type buses, which makes me wonder...where do they live that coming to Main Street, Ames, is a worthy excursion?!?
This is strange-- my friend Terra also made a reference to raccoon tails this week. Read her post from Oct 31.