Friday, September 18, 2009

Nugent 2012

Today when I stopped to have a *coffee and crappy scone at this coffee place, I saw a guy wearing a shirt which said: Nugent 2012. Of course this made me think of my friend Rebecca, but sadly, I think his tshirt is asking us to consider supporting rocker Ted Nugent for President.
The guy was wearing a cowboy hat (yes, I know you saw that coming) and sunglasses.

*this made me think longingly of La Prima and of Friday coffee days with H & H.
Although I never did like the way La Prima made their coffee.
The scone at this coffee place was pretty bad, maybe too much baking powder or something.

1 comment:

  1. hey corngirl!
    we miss you on coffee day too! (but we now have a coffee maker in the lounge - although i'm in memphis right now and have not actually seen this with my own eyes yet.)

    I'm loving this blog!

