Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Here is the basket which I won in a customer appreciation raffle from the Co-op!
Mmm...bunny grahams!
Yay, Wheatsfield Co-op!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Real live gelato, artisan coffee, moderately warm temps and Mr. Pammel*

For every up there is a down and vice versa. First, it is a lovely, nearly balmy, 14 deg out. With little to no wind, that is downright pleasant. The sun is shining and reflecting very brightly off the snow. It's a nice break from the frigid icicle temperatures of below zero.
Everything being relative and all.
Even though Old George's was lacking in authenticity and goodness with its mediocre fare, there is a very nice coffee & gelato place. It features some interesting flavors of gelato which is very good.
And locally roasted coffee. It also promises " we don't just brew coffee, we create experiences. Every person brings their own personal expression to their enjoyment of this ancient drink."
Calling Hallmark cards... okay well that is a bit over-the-top, but still a nice oasis in the sea of $tarbux and that kinda generic crap.
Also got to talk to the owner/guy at Pammel's, the international market...

*Not his real name but do not at this time know his name.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Restroom's, The Revenge of Old George, Rubrics, Hockey and dog shows

Someone had told me (names omitted to protect the innocent) that there was a place that had some Greek/Middle Eastern food. I thought said person(s) actually said "good" Greek food but who knows, maybe I was imagining that. I had asked if there was any place you could get Greek food here. Apparently there is a pizza place that also has some Greek items. Sounded promising. Or at least plausible. There is a place called "Old George's". Oddly it used to be very close by and now is in West Ames.
Okay...so first, it is just a sort of crappy looking pizza place, but you know sometimes these places turn out to be good. One of my more recent favorites in Pgh was a very small storefront restaurant that had some excellent Middle Eastern food. But um, anyway back to the story at hand. This place is actually a pizza place that happens to have gyros. And not very good gyros. The kind that when you eat them, later they will be kicking around your stomach for hours. Protesting. Which leads to point #3 or so. Rubrics. Also the pizza looked pretty nasty but I'm not really the best judge of that since I don't like *most* pizza that much.
How do you consider ratings/opinion polls? I tend to be skeptical. Skeptical that I will agree and I think they are sort of meaningless unless you know how the other person(s) are rating them and what their standards are. For instance, people thought this place had some great food. If their standards were High Grease and Will make you feel slightly ill, then yep, 4 stars.
Anyhow.... it's always an adventure. The other strange thing we noted is there was this sign:
Yes, apostrophe "S". Not to be the grammar police but why the apostrophe? The sign belongs to the restroom? Or the restrooms? In which case, wouldn't it be restrooms'?

We also checked out a Cyclones hockey game which was packed and I gotta say, sorta exciting for a while. Of all the sports which I have no interest in, I think hockey actually comes out ahead, since it is fast and easy to watch. But it seemed to be a pretty uneven bout, what with the ISU team trouncing the Hawkeyes (Univ of Iowa) and leading 6-0 at the end of the 2nd period.

What else is there to say?

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well, today ISU is open again, despite monsterusly cold temperatures. Brr brr brr...

No corn here...farmers will have to wait til Spring to harvest, if it isn't ruined.

It is currently minus 9 degrees.

Also my professor is on Twitter... This is troublesome to me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well, for today (Wednesday) anyway. Major blizzard = ISU closes, Cy-ride (bus system) closed,
stay home everyone.
Lots of snow and wind today...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

not bike weather

outside Memorial Union:

frozen figures

Statue outside Memorial Union: ISU


Frozen Lake at Iowa State:

Thursday, December 3, 2009


First snow in Ames *

And an icy cold 23 degrees out.

* or first snow I have observed, it may have snowed last week while I was not here.